Judaism is one of the 3 Prophetic Monotheistic Religions in the world, the other two are Christianity and Islam.
It is prophetic as there were numerous Prophets who predicted the coming of a Messiah, Monotheistic as they believe in one God-mono (one) Theology (belief/ study of God).
Jews are an ancient people of around 3000 years old, their history is told in the bible and is traced back to Abraham of around 1900 BC (before common time era)
The Jews have been known as Jews, Israelites and Hebrews. (Jesus was a Jew, however the Jews accept Jesus as a wise man, but not he chosen Messiah as Christians believe, hence Judaism predates and heavily influences Christianity, but is not part of Christianity).
Abraham is one of the first recorded leaders of the Hebrews in the Bible. He was a wealthy man who was called by God to leave his land and move from Ur to Canaan, or Israel as it is called today.
Abraham heard the call of the Lord to stop believing in pagan Gods (like God of wind, God of Mountain etc.) and he followed God's request and led his people from Mesopotamia to Canaan. This journey is recorded in the book of Genesis. We can map his journey here
Who is Abraham?
Abraham is the father of the Jewish, Christian and Islam religions. He is one of the first recorded leaders of the Hebrews in the Bible. He is also the first Jew to worship one god.
What did Abraham believe? How was it different to the people of the time?
Abraham believed there was one god and one creator. The people at the time believed in many pagan gods.
What do you think a covenent is? What covenent did God make with Abraham?
In the Old Testament a covenant was an agreement between God and Israel in which God promised protection to the Chosen People in return for exclusive loyalty. God promised Abraham to make a great nation, to make him a father of many nations, to bless everyone in his name and the promised land.
What sacrifice was Abraham requested to make? Why did God ask this of Abraham?
He was asked him to sacrifice (kill) his son, Isaac for him. God asked this of Abraham to see if he truly loved him and was loyal/devoted.
What does Patriachs mean?
Patriarch means father. The three Patriarchs are Abraham, jacob and Isaac.More info here
What is a synagogue?
A jewish temple and house of worship. It is a place of prayer, study and education.
What is a rabbi?
A jewish priest/ teacher, a person sufficiently educated in Jewish law and tradition to instruct the community.
What is a Kippah?
The skullcap head covering worn by Jews during services, and by some Jews at all times.
Name a Jewish festival
Hannuka-the festival of lights.
What does the fish symbol represent?
"The fish is a Christian symbol which got it's origin after Jesus was ascended into Heaven. The new Christians were being persecuted and even put to horrible deaths because of their faith. The story goes that they devised a way to secretly signal other Christians or, if just meeting someone, to find out if that person were also a believer by simply taking their foot and casually drawing an arc with their toe on the ground. Then, if the other person was a Christian, he, just as causally, would draw an ark with his toe to complete the fish. Now, they could speak to each other about their faith and pass along information without fear."